El Chicano, Herman Baca, wins one from the man. Baca’s questioning of illegal service charge forces the city of National City to pay back the $10.50 they were charging for processing businesses licenses.

Por Humberto Caspa, Ph.D.

Finalmente se ve una lumbre que brilla al final del túnel que conduce a los gays hacia el Pentágono. La tolerancia empieza a ganar terreno en la institución militar.

Durante su pronunciamiento en el Congreso, el presidente Barack Obama propuso, ante la mirada atónita de los comandantes de las Fuerzas Armadas, que los gays tienen derecho a servir al país sin ser discriminados.

<p><strong>SPECIAL NARCO EDITION</strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; <strong>How can a formerly proud Latina like myself feel proud to be Mexican again after my beloved relative was murdered in Mexico by narcos while visiting? I still have love for my heritage, and I understand that many Mexican people live in desperate situations because they have no opportunity. But on that day, I was not proud to be a Mexican. And I wonder if I will ever be again.</strong></p>

First Time Homebuyer Education Class  

-Course Fulfills Requirement for Government Assistance Programs- 

WHAT: The Neighborhood House Association’s Housing Counseling program is hosting a First Time Homebuyer Education Class to provide first time homebuyers with the knowledge and confidence needed when purchasing their first home. 

Called a dreamer his whole life, Tijuana’s Antonio DeMarco is one step away from fulfilling his ultimate dream of becoming the Lightweight Champion of the world 

By Steve Galindo III

Frontera NorteSur

Not too long ago, Dyviam Romay and David Luna were busy selling fine furnishings to second-home buying foreigners who were snatching up properties in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco.

An internationally-known interior designer, Luna’s gift of creating culturally blended home environments kept local store manager Romay with plenty of things to do during the work-day. Then the bottom fell out from under the vacation home market, as well as tourism in general in Puerto Vallarta.


<p>El Paso’s troubled twin, Ciudad Juárez, descended into another circle of hell this weekend when hitmen opened fire on a house where teenagers were celebrating a football victory. As of today, sixteen people—mostly youth—have died on the scene or from wounds in the hospital. The community is stunned, the nation shocked, and the phone ringing off the hook with calls from media.</p>