
The issue of immigration has long been a festering issue that has polarized the country for years. While there has been much talk about the issue of immigration little has been done to address the issue. During the eight years of the Bush administration, draconian anit-immigrations measures were highlighted by the 800 mile fence along the southern border.

Spare change?

This latest caper in the great Charger Chase reminds me of a trip I took many years ago for some well deserved middle-aged mischief in Mexicali. As I was waiting in line to return to the good old USA this lady came to the car. It turns out she wasn’t selling gum or porcelain pigs or churros. Instead she stuck this tiny kid in my window and said loudly in pretty good English, “THE BABY NEEDS MONEY!”

<p>Defender la ilegalidad es imposible en un país de leyes. Abogar a favor de los indocumentados solo ha causado ponerlos en peligro y aumentar la animosidad contra todos los hispanos.</p>

<p>Most residents work hard to maintain the beauty of their homes and neighborhoods and nothing can ruin a community’s image faster than graffiti.</p>
<p>But graffiti is not just a quality of life issue. It is an expensive problem for cities and public agencies that have to spend money to erase graffiti; money that could be better spent on services for the public.</p>