<p>Aunque parezca insólito e inconcebible, en mi sueño apareció la figura diminuta del perro más famoso del país. Fue como una fábula o un cuento de dibujos animados. Allí estaba Bo, en la Casa Blanca, meneado la cola y saltando de alegría, junto a las dos hijas del Presidente Obama, listo para abrir su regalo de Navidad.</p>

<p><strong>President of the Leadership Conference </strong><strong>on Civil Rights</strong>&nbsp;</p>
<p>In about 100 days, the 2010 Census – the nationwide head count – begins. It is critical for Latinos, the largest minority in the nation – and one that has been historically under-counted – to be counted.</p>
<p>The once-in-a-decade census is vital to the health and well-being of Latino communities. Why?</p>

<p>El presidente Felipe Calderón Hinojosa presentó una propuesta de reforma política. La propuesta se resume en diez puntos y de cada uno de ellos se puede realizar un análisis. Para este análisis he decidido sólo dar opinión corta de cada punto, en algunos a favor, otros en contra y otros con algunas modificaciones.</p>

Jumex, the worldwide leader in the nectar category, was proud to announce today the beginning of what proves to be a long and beneficial relationship with the YMCA in helping build strong kids, strong families and strong communities through programs that develop spirit, mind and body.

Jumex’s long history supporting our communities extends back decades to Mexico, where Jumex has donated time and resources to philanthropic endeavors to the betterment of community. This is one way of giving back a little of what consumers have given Jumex for over 40 years.

<p>Ethnic media in San Diego are an important resource to disseminate information about the H1N1 flu to people who otherwise might not receive that information in their own language, according to a panel of San Diego health officials during a media briefing last week.</p>
<p>“We do rely on the media to help get messages out to the public,” said County Public Health Officer Dr. Wilma Wooten.</p>
