<p>Only those intelligent people blinded by liberal ideology or partisanship or lack of political sophistication expected President Obama to really shine in foreign policy. He did, after all, get a majority of the vote of people with high school or less than McCain did.</p>
<p>The rest of us knew that he had absolutely no background in foreign relations and that the nations most important to the USA were complete strangers to this man as were the people of those countries, Canada and Mexico.</p>

<p>Todo tema es&nbsp; importante para los latinos, y ya es hora que los latinos tomen su muy merecida posición en el debate sobre el cambio climático. Con las negociaciones en Copen-hague comenzando esta semana, los latinos pueden ayudar que la respuesta global al cambio climático gane impulso y velocidad.</p>

<p>Kwanzaa is a weeklong celebration beginning on Dec. 26; but this time, the occasion is different than in past years. This Kwanzaa, we have a black man in the White House.</p>
<p>Kwanzaa, which was first observed more than 40 years ago and is often mistakenly called the “Black Christmas,” is undeniably about race. But it is also about cultural heritage, as it recalls the fact that millions of Americans came to this country from Africa as slaves.</p>

<p>Sacramento lawmakers are unhappy with their jobs. Recent complaints by members of the Legislature include: People don’t appreciate them; solving problems is hard work; they don’t have the power they think they deserve; their retirement is mandated by term limits; there is no lucrative pension; and their pay is being cut – although they will remain the highest paid lawmakers in all 50 states at nearly $100,000 annually along with a car and another $30,000 a year in tax free expense money.</p>

<p><span style="font-size: medium;"><strong>SPECIAL YEAR-END EDICION</strong>&nbsp;</span></p>

<p>Organizers of an event where they will try to bake the biggest Rosca de Reyes (Three Wise Men cake) in the region, want the Three Wise Men to bring a very special gift to the City of Tijuana: Peace and tranquility.</p>
<p>Administrators and bakers from Pastelería El Molino are teaming up with Centro Cultural Tijuana to create a huge 300 meter/984 feet long rosca on Wednesday, January 6, at 4 p.m., in the explanada del Cecut, an event that will try to be a contrast to the violence that has plagued the city in recent years.</p>