<p>First Person:<br>
&nbsp;I spent the longest seventy-five minutes of my life at the Department of Motor Vehicles the other day. I viewed it as penance for not using new media and/or paying attention to snail mail directives. One would think that I had learned my lesson by now after the trauma I suffered that time I had to come back six times in one day to register a late model Fleetwood during my Superfly days.</p>

<p>&nbsp;The eating habits of my middle school students never fail to amaze me. Their habits are downright scary. Someone obviously forgot to tell them breakfast is the most important meal of the day. How else to explain what I see them munching on in the morning after they exit the local 7-11 convenience store?&nbsp;</p>

New America Media</p>
<p>&nbsp;Two days after Pres. Barack Obama declared the H1N1 flu outbreak a national emergency, the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) held a briefing Monday for ethnic news media in order to debunk fears about flu shots and encourage mass vaccinations as a public health imperative.</p>


El Soporte Informativo Para Millones de Hispanos<br>
<p>&nbsp;Como padre de tres hijos, no creo equivocarme cuando afirmo que ningún asunto es más importante que su salud, tanto física como mental. Sin salud no hay felicidad posible y nada remplaza un desarrollo personal libre de padecimientos.</p>

What You Should Know Before we go San Diego’s Unfinished Revolution

By John P. Falchi