Frontera NorteSur

 For Don Ines Antonio Resendiz, it was the winds of fate that whisked the young Mexican farmer to the United States. Like other residents of the small town of Cerrito in the Costa Grande region of Guerrero state, Resendiz’s livelihood was shattered when Hurricane Tara tore a path of destruction in November 1961. Stripped of crops and jobs, some residents found relief in the Bracero Program of contract labor between Mexico and the United States.

<p>&nbsp;Después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial se reestructuran las fronteras. Una de las modificaciones fue el anexo a la Unión Soviética (URSS) los territorios de Estonia, Letonia, Lituania, Polonia, así como parte del territorio de Finlandia y Rumania. Alemania se dividió entre Estados Unidos, Francia, Reino Unido y la Unión Soviética (URSS), aunque al final podemos hablar de dos bloques, el bloque del este y el bloque del oeste.</p>

TIJUANA, MEXICO — Today in Tijuana B. C., Mexico, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Mexican Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT), the Environmental Protection Agency of Baja California, the California Air Resources Board and the Border Environment Cooperation Commission will initiate the Baja California Air Monitoring Network coverage assessment study and the Tijuana-Rosarito Emissions Inventory.

<p>&nbsp;One simple test could end up saving thousands of women’s lives. Yet, for those without health insurance, the test comes too late. According to the American Cancer Society, this year alone an estimated 40,170 women will lose their lives to breast cancer. Meanwhile, it is estimated that 4,000 breast cancer deaths could be prevented just by increasing the percentage of women who receive breast cancer screenings to 90 percent.</p>


El Soporte Informativo Para Millones de Hispanos<br>
<p>&nbsp;Alguien dijo con mucha razón, que el principal propósito de la educación no es sólo ayudarnos a ganar el pan, sino capacitarnos para aprender a hacer agradable cada bocado.</p>
<p>&nbsp;Cuando pensamos en educación, debemos hacerlo convencidos de que se trata de una herramienta que generará un cambio duradero y efectivo; un punto de partida para avanzar.</p>

Latino Caucus Members Encourage Local Community Leaders and Local Elected Officials to Attend

 The California Latino Legislative Caucus, led by its chair, State Senator Gil Cedillo (D-Los Angeles), and vice chair, State Assemblymember Tony Mendoza (D-Norwalk), will visit San Diego on Tuesday, November 10th from 5:30pm to 7:00pm at El Vitral located at 815 J Street to present a Latino Leaders Reception.