<p>New America Media</p>
<p>&nbsp;By the time President Barack Obama announced the end of the Cash for Clunkers program last Thursday, Americans had turned in more than 457,000 polluting cars and trucks for nearly $3 billion in government cash.</p>
<p>&nbsp;The program was “successful beyond anybody’s imagination,” Obama said. “And we’re now slightly victims of success because the thing happened so quick, there was so much more demand than anybody expected, that dealers were overwhelmed with applications.”</p>

<p>&nbsp;By now, CNN’s Lou Dobbs, with his single-minded obsession over all things anti-immigrant and his bizarre embrace of the loony birther movement, is well known for trafficking in disturbing, misleading, and often inaccurate garbage. Escaping under the radar of many, however, are his close associations with an organization that has been described by experts as a “hate group.”</p>


&nbsp;Sen. Ted Kennedy did right by immigrants — and by Barack Obama.</p>
<p>&nbsp;I met Kennedy in 2005, when a group of activists in the immigration reform movement went to Washington to huddle with the staff of our staunchest ally.</p>
<p>&nbsp;As new citizens working to pass comprehensive reform, we felt his commitment and passion for the cause at our Washington meetings.</p>