Logan Heights Honors America’s Service Men & Women “Honor Them by Remembering”

 On Veteran’s Day, November 11, 2008, the Logan Heights Veterans Memorial (LHVM) Committee in partnership with the Chicano Park Steering Committee broke ground on the future site of the Logan Heights Veterans Memorial.

 The committee would like to extend an invitation to interested Artists in the San Diego community to submit their Memorial Monument renderings to the Memorial Design Sub-Committee.

<strong>NATIONAL CITY</strong> – Undoubtedly, one of the biggest challenges for former addicts is the opportunity for a second chance. Unfortunately, a significant number of them fall back into their addictions finding no support to continue their recovery process.</p>

<p><strong>NATIONAL CITY</strong> – Sin duda, una de las etapas más difíciles para un ex-adicto es encontrar una segunda oportunidad; por desgracia, un número consi-derable de estas personas recaen en los vicios al no encontrar apoyo para seguir con su proceso de recuperación.</p>

&nbsp;Being a good Samaritan should not be a crime. Nor should preventing immigrants from dying of dehydration.</p>
<p>&nbsp;But on Aug. 11, Walt Staton of No More Deaths, an Arizona-based humanitarian organization, was sentenced to 300 hours of community service for “knowingly littering.”</p>