<p>&nbsp;As we enter Hispanic Heritage Month, let us take an opportunity to look at almost a century and a half to itemize, name and honor those Hispanics who have stepped up to the American plate and set into historical concrete that Hispanic Americans have risen above and beyond the call of duty and been awarded America’s highest Medal of Valor.</p>

<p>&nbsp;Did you know that women are at higher risk for bone disease than men? That’s right! And having low bone density, known as osteoporosis, increases your risk of bone fractures. People with osteoporosis tend to have weakened bones in the wrist, hips, and spine. Bone breaks in these areas can be debilitating, painful, and result in long recovery times. But, there is good news: osteoporosis can be prevented, and you can start preventing this disease today!</p>

<p>&nbsp;Cuando comencé a indagar sobre el tema de la diabetes me sorprendió la frase de la doctora Aída Giachello, del Midwest Latino Research Center, según la cual los inmigrantes no toman en serio esta enfermedad.</p>
<p>&nbsp;Esa falta de seriedad está reflejada en las estadísticas que indican que la población hispana es tres veces más propensa a sufrir de diabetes que la población blanca y afroamericana.</p>

WATER—How is it going to change our lives?  

 Northwest Civic Association’s Town Hall Meeting for September will be held Monday, September 14, 6 pm, at Seniors on Broadway, 845 Broadway, Chula Vista. The topic is WATER—How is it going to change our lives?   The changing water rules and regulations will affect your future. Come find out about some of those changes from experts in our community. Free. Everyone is welcome.   Information: (619) 307-3460 or www.northwestchulavista.org.

<p><span style="font-size: medium;">What Students of Color Are Doing to Stay in College During the Recession</span></p>

<p><span style="font-size: medium;">Programa de Educación Migrante tiene cinco mil&nbsp; paquetes de útiles escolares y diversos servicios que ofrecer gratuitamente a niños y jóvenes del Norte del Condado</span></p>
<p><strong>SAN MARCOS</strong> – Parecería mentira escuchar que hoy en día no se encuentran a los estudiantes migrantes que puedan obtener paquetes y mochilas llenas de utiles escolares y servicios educativos gratuitos.</p>