<p>Assemblymember 78th District</p>
<p><em><strong>&nbsp;Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.<br>
&nbsp;The 19th amendment to the Constitution of the United States contains only 39 words. But those words forever changed the way politics was practiced in our nation and provided a level of equality that was heretofore denied an entire group of citizens.</p>

&nbsp;Each year, on August 26, we celebrate Women’s Equality Day to pay tribute to those brave suffragists, like Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Alice Paul and Ida B. Wells Barnett, who led the struggle for American women to win the most critical tool of democracy — the right to vote.</p>

<p>&nbsp;En pocos días el Presidente Obama, proclamará del 15 de septiembre al 15 de octubre de 2009 el Mes Nacional de la Hispanidad. La Honorable Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), líder del Congreso ha expresado al respecto en previas ocasiones: “Celebrar a la comunidad Hispana un mes al año no es suficiente. Los Latinos merecen una opor-tunidad real de lograr el Sueño Americano aunque estén aquí por generaciones o acaben de llegar”. En mi opinión ninguno de los dos está correcto.</p>

tezzy2 Southwestern College still rumbling over the changes at the college, professors and union mighty upset about their perks being taken away.

</strong><p><strong></strong><strong>SPECIAL TWO-LINERS EDITION<br>
&nbsp;<strong>Dear Mexican: A gabacho in the local daily suggested that some of our prisons be outsourced to Mexico to save us some money. What are your thoughts? Would wabs make for good guards looking after homies and white-trash inmates? Have a chew on that taco.&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong></p>
<p><strong>Mike the Mick from Missouri<br>

&nbsp;More than 15 years ago, Yolanda Hernandez’s daughter was her inspiration to try to improve the educational opportunities for the students in San Ysidro.</p>
<p>&nbsp;Hernandez felt that the needs of special students like her daughter weren’t being met by the local school district.</p>
<p>&nbsp;“The children in special education didn’t have much support,” she remembers. “The school district back then didn’t want to deal with this.”</p>