Concerts in the Park

 The City of Oceanside presents a “Concert in the Park” on Friday, August 14, at Mance Buchanan Park on 425 College Blvd.  Music will begin at 5:30 pm. The band “Upstream” will perform calypso/Caribbean music!!

 Hunter Steakhouse will sell hamburgers, hotdogs, sandwiches and sodas. The Concert is free and open to the public. Please bring your own beach chair, blanket and family members for an evening of great entertainment.

10th Annual Prose & Poetry in the Park

<p>&nbsp;David Bejarano se ha convertido en el primer jefe de policía latino de Chula Vista. Él es el tercer jefe de policía en la ciudad en 50 años.</p>
<p>&nbsp;“Siento mucho orgullo,” dijo en español Bejarano, quien de 1999 al 2003 fue el primer jefe de policía latino de la Ciudad de San Diego.</p>

<p>Frontera NorteSur</p>
<p>&nbsp;Getting doused with pesticides is the first memory Sebastian Coral has of the United States. Crossing the border as a young bracero, or contract farmworker, in the 1950s, Coral made the obligatory stop at a reception center near El Paso, Texas, where he and other guest workers were subjected to delousing and blood-sampling. The experience has never left the mind of Coral, who wonders why farmworkers were treated in such a way.</p>