<p> Los días 9 y 10 de agosto 2009 se realizó la cumbre de mandatarios de América del Norte en el Centro Cultural Hospicios Cabañas, ubicado en la ciudad de Guadalajara, Jalisco. Aquí se reunieron el Presidente de México Felipe Calderón Hinojosa; el Presidente de Estados Unidos Barack Hussein Obama y el Primer Ministro de Canadá Stephen Harper. </p>
<p>New America Media</p>
<p> “First, he walked slower, then with a cane and now he’s in a wheelchair,” said Carol Walton about her husband of 52 years, professional bass player, music educator and author Ortiz Walton.</p>
<p> The Waltons are among the 22.9 million households in the United States that struggle daily to maintain an elderly relative or sick child at home—and out of a nursing home—for as long as possible, according to the National Alliance for Caregiving.</p>
<p><span style="font-size: small;">Guest Editorial</span>:</p>
In 1994, Barbara Coe from Orange County, California got her 15 minutes of national attention as the founder of California Coalition for Immigration Reform (CCIR). She was a co writer and promoter of the now infamous California Prop.187. According to Coe, “We are suffering robbery, rape and murder of law-abiding citizens at the hands of illegal barbarians, who are cutting off heads and appendages of blind, white, disabled gringos.” Her activities earned Coe and the CCIR Hate Group status from the Southern Poverty Law Center.</p>
<p> I have never watched the movie “Grapes of Wrath” from beginning to end. I ran across it this afternoon and watched some of it.</p>
Chula Vista Mayor Cheryl Cox
City Council Members
Mayor Cox: