<p>&nbsp;Several Central Valley farm-workers have filed a lawsuit against the state of California and its Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board (Cal/OSHA) for allegedly failing to adequately protect farm-workers from heat illness.</p>
<p>&nbsp;As a result, they said, laborers are afraid to report violations, continue falling ill and more than 11 have died in the past few years, including six last year alone.</p>

<p>&nbsp;El 5 de julio del 2009 se realizó el proceso electoral intermedio en el que se eligieron diputados federales, 6 gober-nadores, así como alcaldes y diputados locales en 14 elecciones. El nivel de abstencionismo fue alto; votó el 44.34 por ciento de la lista nominal federal, lo que suma alrededor de 34 millones 126 mil 794 ciudadanos en un país de más de 103 millones de habitantes.</p>

yet trouble is brewing. 

In these difficult economic times, education has taken a huge hit when it comes to funding. The California state budget passed this week cut $7.2 billion dollars from education, on top of the $11 billion cut in February. Pink slips have become an annual ritual for the past four years, and school boards have had to wrestle with budget cuts while struggling to minimize the public outcry and maintain quality education.

<p>&nbsp;When a suburban Philadelphia swim club kicked out a group of black and Latino kids on June 29 because of their skin color, the incident generated much outrage throughout the country.</p>
<p>&nbsp;But it would be a mistake to think that such incidents and attitudes are a rare exception.</p>