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<p>The number of confirmed deaths from COVID-19 cases in the United States today passed half a million people, totaling more than the number of people that would die in 2,777 crashes of the now-notorious 737 Max airplanes that were grounded last year after two crashes killed 346 people.</p>
<p>Worldwide, a total of 2,477,839 people have died. Deaths in the US account for more than 20% of worldwide deaths, even though the US only has about 5% of the world’s population.</p>

<p>Congressional Democrats have authored a bill to provide a legal path to citizenship for millions of undocumented immigrants already in the US, fulfilling one of Joe Biden’s biggest campaign promises.</p>
<p>The bill outlines an eight-year path to gaining citizenship, but reduced that timeframe to three years for some farmer workers, immigrants that were brought into the US as minors, and those who were granted temporary protected status for fleeing natural and manmade disasters.</p>

<p>Daily COVID-19 case numbers dropped again on Sunday but a shortage of vaccines forced the shutdown of a super station location at downtown’s Petco Park stadium parking lot.</p>
<p>Sunday’s new case count was 568 new cases and 488 deaths, a lower rate than in previous weeks when daily number topped 1,000 per day. The County reported 13,400 tests on Sunday with a positive rate of only 4%. Hospitalization were up by 27 patients and four infected individuals were admitted into UCI beds.</p>