<p>Three ZIP codes in the southern areas of San Diego County have experienced the highest numbers of COVID-19 cases in the region.</p>
<p>The 92154 area of South San Diego has the highest number of confirmed virus cases with 3,186, Chula Vista’s 91911 area is second with 2,841, and the 91910 area is third with 2,243 cases.</p>

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<p>The US government can not locate the families of 545 children separated from their parents under the Trump Administration border policy that has held thousands of kids during the past three years.</p>
<p>A new report by the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) found that 545 children are still separated from their families because no one can track down the parents to determine what to do with the minors.</p>

<p>The City of San Diego will again start issuing parking tickets after having suspended them during the COVID-19 pandemic</p>
<p>Effective October 15<sup>th</sup>, City parking enforcement officers and police officers will again issue citations for expired meters, unlawful commercial zone use, overtime parking in white and green zones, and other parking restrictions on City streets.</p>
<p>Parking enforcement had been suspended in March in response to state and local sat-at-home orders.</p>

<p>A dedicated traffic lane for commercial trucks moving to and from the port would help reduce traffic through communities close to the waterfront, including Barrio Logan, Logan Heights, and the East Village.</p>
<p>The plan involves building a dedicated traffic lane for commercial diesel trucks from the Port of San Diego to the I-5 freeway to reduce the truck traffic on local streets which add to congestion but also higher emissions and dangerous air quality in those neighborhoods.</p>