<p>Although COVID-19 cases have steadily dropped in San Diego County, the number of cases at San Diego State University have kept the region from falling off the higher restriction level that mandates some businesses to close and others to limit customers.</p>

<p>The current San Diego City Attorney and her two immediate predecessors have differing views on who is responsible for the approval of the 101 Ash St building deal, but the City Charter points to only one ultimate legal authority that was empowered to approve the deal: the current City Attorney, Mara Elliott.</p>

<p>Former Congressman Darrell Issa took a federal COVID-19 relief loan for one of his businesses then loaned more money to his campaign for Congress, sparking criticism over whether he really needed to the loan that could have otherwise gone to help save other small businesses during the pandemic.</p>

<p>The 19<sup>th</sup> Anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the United States were commemorated with a moment of silence at Ground Zero, the Pentagon, and an empty field in Pennsylvania where one of the hijacked airliners crashed.</p>

<p>A girls’ Catholic high school in San Diego closed after just nine days of in-class schooling after two new COVID-19 cases were reported among students.</p>
<p>Our Lady of Peace (OLP) in North Park had invested over $500,000 in modifications to help protect students and teachers from the spread of the virus, but went back to online distance learning to prevent more new cases.</p>