<p>As President and CEO of the National City Chamber of Commerce,&nbsp; Jacqueline Reynoso has created change in the community for over 12 years through different positions and involvement in organizations.<br>
After her parents got married, they settled in National City, because her parents saw it as a good place with good schools. Soon after, moving there, more relatives followed Reynoso’s parents.<br>
Reynoso was born in National City and says that she found her motivation as she was growing up in this area.<br>

<p>The San Diego City Council’s appointment of members to sit on the Public Safety committee that oversees the police department did not include any of the minority Councilmembers that represent communities most affected by crime, police shootings, and gangs.<br>

<p>El Departamento de Policía de National City realizó su entrega anual de juguetes y cenas navideñas este martes 20 de diciembre. Alrededor de 50 familias necesitadas obtuvieron juguetes nuevos y una cena completa para llevarse a casa para esta Navidad.</p>

<p>The San Diego Museum of Art announced the acquisition of &nbsp;“Saint James the Lesser” (ca. 1632) by Jusepe de Ribera.</p>
<p>This 17th-century work by the renowned Spanish Baroque master builds on the Museum’s prestigious collection of Spanish art. The painting is currently on display in the European galleries alongside other masterpieces in the collection by Francisco de Zurbaran, Bartolomé Esteban Murillo, and El Greco.</p>

<p>With its facilities packed with end-of-year travelers, the Cross Border Xpress (CBX) bridge, which offers direct access between the Tijuana International Airport and Otay Mesa, celebrated its first anniversary of operations.</p>
<p>CBX closes its first year on a high note, as more than one million passengers have been able to save time by being able to cross the border directly from Tijuana’s airport into San Diego, or from San Diego into Tijuana, avoiding the long border wait times at ports of entry.</p>

<p>A group of San Diego small business owners delivered anti-hate posters with slogans such as “All Are Welcome Here” and “Hate&nbsp;Has No Business Here” to local businesses.</p>
<p>The objective of these posters is to stand up to hateful rhetoric surrounding the presidential election by placing these in storefronts.</p>

<p>Un grupo de dueños de pequeños negocios entregaron posters de anti-odio que contenían las consignas “Todos son bienvenidos aquí” y “El odio no tiene lugar aquí” a comercios locales.</p>
<p>El objetivo fue hacer frente a la retórica odiosa que rodeó las elecciones presidenciales, colocando los posters en las entradas y ventanas de los negocios.</p>