<p>The US Supreme Court ruled on two cases Thursday both dealing with President Donald Trump’s tax returns, with one decision allowing the disclose of his tax information, but the other denying Congress access to them.</p>
<p>On the final day of the Courts annual session, the two decisions were announced on 7-2 votes, with Chief Justice John Roberts writing both majority decisions.</p>

<p>The current presidents of the US and Mexico met for the first time on Wednesday and signed a joint declaration celebrating the newly revised trade agreement between the US, Mexico, and Canada which replaces NAFTA.</p>

<p>The total number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the US surpassed three million this week as the rates of cases, hospitalizations, and deaths continue to rise in several states, including in California.</p>
<p>California set new records of confirmed cases per day on Tuesday and Wednesday this week, and Los Angeles County reported a new record number of cases on Tuesday.</p>

<p>The population of the United States grew during the past ten years only because of high birth rates among minority groups and immigration from foreign countries, according to new data estimates released by the US Census Bureau.</p>

Every time the country has confronted a case of police brutality or excessive force by officers, police agencies have responded with the same defense and explanation for the intolerable behavior: it was only a few “bad apples” and not a systemic problem.

<p>The San Diego City Council voted on Tuesday to extend a citywide hold on evictions that was set to expire on June 30th and will give renters more relief during the COVID-19 pandemic.</p>
<p>The Council had previously put in place a moratorium on evictions through June 30th and the extension will now protect both residential and business renters through the end of September. Landlords are not allowed to evict renters for non-payment of rent during the moratorium.</p>

<p>A federal judge has ordered that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) release children being held at three family detention centers by July 17th to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 among those populations.</p>

<p>A federal appeals court ruled Friday that the Trump Administration cannot divert money appropriated by Congress for the military to instead be spent on building a border wall.</p>
<p>The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals panel ruled Trump’s use of $2.5 billion Congress had appropriated for the military as unconstitution and is unlawful.</p>