<p>The San Diego Padres set a record by hitting a grand slam in four consecutive games, something no team has ever done in the 144 years of professional baseball.</p>
<p>The hitting streak started on Monday when 21 year-old Fernando Tatis, Jr hit his first-ever grand slam, followed by Wil Myers’ grand slam on Tuesday, and Manny Machado’s four run homer on Wednesday.</p>

<p>San Diego County health officials report that the daily death rate in the county has fallen below 100 per 100,000 residents for the second day in a row and could get San Diego removed from the State’s monitoring watch list if the trend continues through Friday.</p>

<p>Former Vice-President Joe Biden made history this week when he announced that California Senator Kamala Harris will be his running mate, making her the first African-American woman and also the first Indian-American on a major party presidential ticket.</p>
<p>Kamala (pronounced ‘comma la’) Harris, who also ran in the primary election for the Democratic nomination, is the junior US Senator from California and was previously elected as the California Attorney General.</p>

<p>New data released on Friday by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) shows that overall unemployment decreased in July, but rates for Latinos and Blacks remain stubbornly higher than that of Asians and especially White workers.</p>
<p>Latino unemployment increased 1.6% from 14.5% to 12.9% and jobless workers among Blacks decreased by less than 1% from 15.4 to 14.5%. Asians saw a the largest drop of 1.8% from 13.8% to 12%.</p>

<p>Un auto que oficiales de inmigración (Border Patrol) pensaron que parecía “sospechoso” resultó cargado con casi un millón de dólares en efectivo.</p>
<p>El Volkswagen Touareg fue detenido el miércoles por la mañana cuando se dirigía hacia el sur por la carretera I-15, al norte de Escondido. Un perro de la policía alertó a los oficiales sobre el contrabando y su registro del automóvil arrojó paquetes de efectivo escondidos en el tanque de combustible. Se descubrió un total de $967,460 en 65 paquetes envueltos en plástico.</p>

<p>A car that Border Patrol agents thought looked “suspicious” turned out be loaded with nearly a million in cash.</p>
<p>The Volkswagen Touareg was stopped Wednesday morning as it headed south on Interstate 15 just north of Escondido. A police dog alerted officers to contraband and their search of the car yielded bundles of cash hidden in the fuel tank. A total of $967,460 was discovered in 65 bundles wrapped in plastic.</p>

After only a smattering of games into a 60-game season, the Padres reside in the penthouse of the NL West, and although they are likely just warming the seat for the Dodgers, the view isn’t bad from the top.

<p>Cada década, cada persona en los Estados Unidos, jóvenes y viejos, independientemente de su ciudadanía, tiene el derecho constitucional de ser contado. El Censo es la única forma en que podemos determinar la verdadera definición de Estados Unidos, ya sea que viva en las ciudades metropolitanas más grandes o millas a lo largo de rutas rurales.</p>

<p>Every decade, each person in the United States, young and old, regardless of citizenship, has the Constitutional right to be counted. The Census is the only way for us to determine the true definition of America – whether you live in the largest metropolitan cities or miles down rural routes.</p>