La Prensa Wins AwardsSDPC_Badge_2016-2
La Prensa San Diego international correspondent Katia Lopez-Hodoyan earned the accolades of her peers at the San Diego Press Club’s 43rd Annual Excellence in Journalism Awards dinner this past Tuesday, October 25.

<p>La Fiscalía Federal y el Distrito Escolar Unificado de San Diego (SDUSD), iniciaron un programa de educación primaria enfocado en enseñar a los niños cómo las malas decisiones pueden tener consecuencias.<br>
La clase impartida por ocho semanas a alumnos de quinto grado busca que los estudiantes reciban las herramientas para “afilar habilidades positivas en la toma de decisiones” y “resistir la presión para unirse a pandillas, probar drogas o participar en otros comportamientos dañinos”, detallaron autoridades.<br>

<p>The United States Attorney’s Office, in partnership with San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD), has launched an elementary school program designed to teach children that their decisions have consequences.<br>
The eight-week curriculum is aimed at giving fifth-grade students the tools to “sharpen positive decision-making skills” and “resist pressures to join gangs, take drugs, or partake in other harmful behaviors,” informed the U.S. Attorney’s Office.<br>

<p>Former Chula Vista Mayor Steve Padilla, running for a seat on the Chula Vista City Council, is accused of running his current campaign with over $16,000 in unpaid bills, even as he continues to carry over $35,000 in debt from his past campaigns.<br>
As of his official election report of September 24, Padilla’s current campaign showed a total debt of $16,578.93 in unpaid bills.<br>

<p>De acuerdo a autoridades del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional, mas de medio millón de personas que cruzaron la frontera legalmente con visas de turista durante el&nbsp; 2015&nbsp; se quedaron dentro del país después de que sus documentos se vencieron, actividad calificada como ilegal por autoridades migratorias.<br>

<p>Un subsidio de 600,000 dólares fue otorgado a San Diego Workforce Partnership para proporcionar un incremento en la entrega de servicios a individuos con discapacidades por medio de sus centros de empleo.<br>

<p>A $600,000 grant was awarded to San Diego Workforce Partnership to provide increased service delivery to individuals with disabilities through their career centers.<br>
The San Diego Workforce Partnership funds job training programs to empower job seekers to meet the current and future workforce needs of employers in San Diego County. The organization is a local workforce development board designated by the City and County of San Diego.<br>

<p>World leaders got together to help catalyze social change and combat human trafficking in San Diego through the second annual Global Empowerment Summit held by UC San Diego jointly with the nonprofit Alliance 4 Empowerment on Saturday, October 22.<br>