Por Estephania Baez

Es considerada  esclavitud moderna. Es una violación a los derechos humanos que atenta en contra de la libertad, al igual que en contra de la dignidad. Es la trata de personas, comercio ilegal de seres humanos.
En los últimos dos años han sido registrados 110 casos en el Condado de San Diego. El 40% de las víctimas localizadas han ingresado a San Diego por la frontera entre México y Estados Unidos y el 90% son mujeres de entre los 12 y 21 años de edad.

BY Estephania Baez

It constitutes modern slavery; it is a human-rights violation that strips victims of their freedom and their dignity. It is human trafficking, the illegal trade of human beings.

In the past two years, there have been 110 cases in San Diego County. Forty percent of the rescued victims came into San Diego through the Mexican border, and 90% of them are women between the ages of 12 and 21.

As the Carolina Panthers and Denver Broncos get ready for the 50th Super Bowl Game, some believe that football’s greatest days may be in the rear view mirror.
For several years now, critics have been raising concerns that football as a sport is too dangerous for kids to play, and now many are making the same arguments about full grown men. Too many cases of concussions, brain damage, and suicides among former players exist for us not to agree. All the glitz and glamor of the Super Bowl can’t mask the true impact of such a brutally physical game.