Frontera NorteSur

Less than one year after taking office, the administration of Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto faces serious challenges to its core policies. Leading the opposition are tens of thousands of public school teachers protesting the new No Child Left Behind-like law they contend will cost jobs, aggravate educational inequities and lead to privatization.
The protest, which counts months now, is expanding in both scope and participation and more and more assuming the character of a multi-issue popular movement.

México del Norte
Por Jorge Mújica Murias

Aunque no haya habido guerra contra Siria, gracias a la intervención de Rusia y la rápida reversa que le metió Barack Obama (el “Premio Nobel de la Paz”), a sus llamados a bombardear cuando se dio cuenta de que nadie lo apoyaba, no va a haber discusiones sobre la “reforma migratoria” en la Casa de Representantes este otoño.