Affordable Care Act

Por Eduardo Stanley

La idea inicial del Acta de Cobertura Accesible (Affordable Care Act, ACA), más conocida como “Obamacare”, era la de brindar cobertura de salud para todos los residentes del país.

Sin embargo, cuando esta ley entró en vigor a comienzos de 2010 ya esa idea original había sido modificada. De la misma manera, varias demandas legales limitaron aún más su alcance.

<p>In his attempt to become the conservative Wendy Davis, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) spent all of Tuesday night and a significant portion of Wednesday morning railing against the Affordable Care Act, insisting his marathon address be called a filibuster even though he wasn’t actually holding up any votes.</p>
<p>Along the way he read posts on Twitter, recited Toby Keith lyrics and, oddly, read Dr. Seuss’ “Green Eggs and Ham” into the public record, calling it his favorite book.</p>


This past week was a glorious one as the 4th of July celebra-tion fell in the middle of the week. There is nothing like a few extra days off during a hot summer. Many of us enjoyed the baseball All-Star game, a weekend barbecue, previews of the start of a nice football season right around the corner, and best of all the wonderful summer days which provide us with the opportunity to just relax.