<strong>Frontera NorteSur</strong></p>
<p>Undeterred by the official rejection of his legal challenge to the July 2012 election results, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador presses on with his opposition movement. Like he was still on the campaign stump, the left opposition leader is touring Mexico and building up his new political party, the National Movement for the Regeneration of Mexico (MORENA), as the latest political force on the scene.</p>

<p><strong>Dear Mexican: In 1983 or 1984, I was walking home from work down Haight Street in San Francisco one evening and stopped into Watusi Records to look through the dollar cutout bin. I flipped through it for a bit and then stopped dead when I saw the Jonny Chingas Pachuco LP. I looked closer, saw what was written in small print on the license plate of the car on the cover (“se me paro”), and went, “Holy shit! I’ve gotta have this!”</strong></p>