<p><strong>Dear Mexican: In President Bush’s State of the Union address, he reiterated a need for a guest worker program. What is your opinion of such a program? The program seems like mierda that screws people over in the long run to me, but what do I know. </strong><br>
<p style="text-align: right;"><strong>Una Guerita Por Un Mundo Sin Muros :-)</strong></p>

Holiday Popcorn Snowman Festive Popcorn Trees Holiday Wreath Popcorn Treats Popcorn Trio Read more…

<p>Now that it’s official, aside from the “mathematically we are still alive crowd” let’s look at the candidates out there that will be in the hunt to replace Norv Turner.</p>
<p>This will be an interesting story simply for the fact that there will be two pools of candidates depending on the status of AJ Smith.</p>

<p>El Black Friday, el día de mayores ventas en el año, se supone que es el día después del Día de Acción de Gracias. Pero en Walmart, comenzará a las 8 p.m. la noche de Thanksgiving.</p>
<p>Eso ha alegrado a mucha gente –pero también está enojando a tantos otros.</p>