By Yuri Vanetik

In a rare moment of genuinely bipartisan lawmaking, the president recently signed the JOBS Act into law. Short for “Jumpstart Our Business Startups,” JOBS will roll back some of the regulatory barriers that small and mid-sized entrepreneurial ventures face in their efforts to grow and go public.

This is a great victory for the American start-up community. Now, policymakers need to turn their attention to the hurdles in the way of talent acquisition.

Por Humberto Caspa, Ph.D.

El sábado 7 de los corrientes se llevó a cabo una pelea de Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) entre el actual campeón Anderson Silva y su contrincante Chael Sonnen.

Uno de los momentos importantes —que por cierto fue polemizado por los comentaristas y gente interesada en esta pelea— fue los comentarios vertidos por Sonnen en torno a la nacionalidad de Silva.

Woman muralists continue to be recognized

Great to see your Page-One coverage of Rita Sanchez’ “Mujeres Muralistas: Chicano Park Female artists” on June 29, 2012. I agree with you “her article is a needed reminder of the significant role of Chicano Park women.” To update her excellent historical overview I want to make some corrections and additions.