Study finds degrees in science, technology, engineering and math are associated with 25 to 50 percent higher earnings
Minority college students who major in the STEM fields – science, technology, engineering and math – earn at least 25 percent more than their peers who study humanities or education, according to the results of a new study.
And those who took jobs related to their STEM degrees earned at least 50 percent more than their classmates who majored in humanities or education fields.

El Soporte Informativo Para Millones de Hispanos
Por Luisa Fernanda Montero

La temporada de huracanes apenas comienza y junto a la ola de calor ya deja varios muertos en todo el país por lo que se hace imperativo recordar que siempre, como reza el viejo adagio: “soldado prevenido vale por dos”.

La temporada de huracanes que se inicia en junio y continúa hasta el mes de noviembre puede dejarnos amargas experiencias si no tomamos las precauciones del caso.

¡No Se Deje!
Por Lic. Jess J. Araujo

En 1997, el Congreso de los Estados Unidos aprobó grandes cambios a las leyes de inmigración del país. Unos de los cambios menos anunciados son los nuevos requerimientos y responsabilidades de los patrocinadores financieros. Las personas que apliquen para las visas de residente permanente legal (green cards) como parientes inmediatos de ciudadanos de Estados Unidos o de inmigrantes residentes permanentes legales deben tener un patrocinador financiero.

The importance of historical knowledge, collective memory, and public access to information are all prevalent themes in Daniel Alarcón’s debut novel, Lost City Radio. Meet Alarcón, discuss the book, and enjoy free refreshments at the Poway Library, 13137 Poway Rd, on July 19 at 6 p.m. The title is part of San Diego County Library’s California Reads program, a series of grant-funded events designed to animate public conversation on the nature and needs of democracy.


This past week was a glorious one as the 4th of July celebra-tion fell in the middle of the week. There is nothing like a few extra days off during a hot summer. Many of us enjoyed the baseball All-Star game, a weekend barbecue, previews of the start of a nice football season right around the corner, and best of all the wonderful summer days which provide us with the opportunity to just relax.