<strong>Diputado Estatal por el </strong><br>
<strong>Distrito 104 de Dallas</strong></p>
<p>Texas no será Alabama, Pensilvania, ni mucho menos Arizona.</p>
<p>Aquí, en nuestro estado, si se respetan los derechos emanados de nuestra Constitución –conquistados a sangre y fuego en feroces batallas— que protegen a los inmigrantes, con o sin papeles. Todos somos para nuestra Carta Magna iguales: no importa nuestro grupo étnico, religión, o estatus migratorio.</p>

<p><strong>SPECIAL SPANISH SLANG EDITION</strong></p>
<p><strong>Dear Mexican: Stop using Spanish in your column. I like reading your column, but when every other word is in Spanish, I don’t know what the hell is going on. It makes you sound like that nerdy kid who uses big words to try and sound impressive. Don’t be lazy, and just write a good column.</strong><br>

Strawberry Spring Salad Slow Cooker Marmalade Pork Tenderloin Grandma Lori’s Marmalade Glazed Read more…

Process has begun for replacing Board seat

Spring Valley, CA – The Otay Water District announced today that Jaime Bonilla has tendered his resignation to the Board of Directors. Bonilla, a successful business owner in San Diego County, is stepping down to commit his energies fulltime to new professional opportunities. The resignation is effective immediately.  Bonilla served on the Board of Directors for nearly 12 years, including four of those years as Board President.

<p>Como a muchas personas, me sorprendió inicialmente escuchar la noticia de que Benedicto XVI iba a viajar a México pero no visitaría la Basílica de Guadalupe en la Ciudad de México. La visita a la Basílica era cosa segura en los viajes de Juan Pablo II a México.</p>