HR 3012 is a great first step in immigration reform

   I am writing to you today as a member of Immigration Voice (http://www.Immig Founded in December 2005, Immigration Voice is a rapidly growing, national grassroots non-profit organization of over 70,000 legal, highly-skilled immigrants. Immigration Voice members are committed to sensible improvements to the employment-based immigration and green card process by supporting H.R 3012 – Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act.

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; <strong> These days, using the word “nigger” is considered so offensive that, in its place, we now use the term “n-word.” Of course, never mind that African-Americans use it amongst themselves as a term of endearment, <em>pero esa es una historia para otro día. Sin embargo</em>, it raises a <em>pregunta</em> for me: <em>Por qué</em> no one uses “b-word” for “beaner,” “w-word” for “wetback,” and “s-word” for “spick”?</strong></p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Last weekend Aztec running back Ronnie Hillman had another career night at the “Q”. The sensational sophomore confounded the Wyoming Cowboys (5-2, 2-0) for a combined 309 yards and three touchdowns. It wasn’t enough however, as the Aztecs fell to the Cowboys 30-27 in what was thus far the most frustrating loss of the season. The loss dropped SDSU’s record to (4-3, 1-2) and seriously impaired their chances of gaining a second consecutive postseason bowl bid. Favored by two touchdowns, the loss should have never happened.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; A Armando Herrera le gusta ayudar a los demás. El muchacho de 15 años de edad está tan comprometido con el servicio comunitario, que ha contribuido con más de 500 horas de servicio voluntario en la sucursal de Logan Heights de la Biblioteca Pública de San Diego, desde ayudar en varios proyectos de estanterías para los libros hasta reclutar a jóvenes para participar en los programas de la biblioteca.</p>