By José Armas
Hispanic Link News Service 

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Republicans created the Hispanic Leadership Network last year in an attempt to re-capture the Latino vote it lost in the 2008 presidential election. George Bush claimed an impressive 44 percent of that support in his 2004 presidential run. It shriveled to 31 percent when John McCain ran against Barack Obama in 2008.

<p><strong>New America Media</strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; As Congress’ deficit-cutting “super committee” considers whether to recommend reducing Social Security benefits, two reports released last week expose the declining retirement security of aging Americans—especially among women and people of color.</p>

Frontera NorteSur

    An unprecedented wave of protest against the international financial elite and prevailing economic policies swept the globe on October 15. And New Mexico, Mexico and the greater US-borderlands were no exceptions. Protests were chalked up in San Diego, Tijuana, Las Cruces, Ciudad Juarez and Mexico City, among many other places. In El Paso, an encampment was announced beginning Monday, October 17, in the city’s downtown San Jacinto Plaza.