<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; A Christian Church (overtly religious) and a public school (governed by laws that specifically separate church and state) are working together – partners in an endeavor to strengthen children and families. This is a strange partnership in today’s world, but for leadership of two local organizations it seems logical and obvious.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Se acerca el final del 2011 y en este año hemos celebrado, aunque sin hacer mucho ruido, el 40º aniversario del establecimiento de una Oficina para Asuntos Hispanos en la sede de la Conferencia de los Obispos en Washington, DC. Para ser fieles a la verdad, la oficina no tiene su origen aquí pero merece la pena celebrar este hito en el camino que, además,&nbsp; augura varios aniversarios importantes que se avecinan en 2012.</p>

Meet Author Victor Villaseñor at Carlton Hills School 

Meet author Victor Villaseñor on Tuesday, October 25 at 6:30 p.m. at Carlton Hills School, 9353 Pike Rd. in Santee.  Villaseñor will discuss his newest book, Lion Eyes.  The lecture is free, open to the public and copies of the book will be available for purchase.  Supervision for school age children is available; pre-registration is required, contact the City of Santee at 619-258-4100, ext. 210 for information.

<p><strong>Program Director, American Friends Service Committee – San Diego</strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Obama Administration officials this week touted their high record numbers of deportations – nearly 400,000 last fiscal year – as “smart and effective” law enforcement. It is neither.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Rather it reflects a precipitous loss of moral ground by a Washington political elite that has lost touch with the political realities of communities for which it is supposed to be representing.</p>