
<p>January 20 marks the inauguration of a new American president as Donald Trump becomes the 45th President of the United States.<br>
But, unlike any other new president in recent history, Donald Trump enters office in an environment where the public is still largely unclear about his policy positions on important issues, including immigration, education, health care, and, especially, international relations.<br>

<p>Se presentó ante la afición de Chivas como alguien dispuesto a devorarse de una sola mordida la gran oportunidad que recibía para dirigir al equipo más popular de México.</p>
<p>Con apenas dos años de experiencia como técnico en su natal Argentina, Matías Almeyda encontró la manera, el discurso y la actitud para detener la caída en espiral que tenía al Rebaño Sagrado al borde del precipicio.</p>

<p>After eight years in office, Barack Obama will exit the Oval Office next Tuesday and leave behind a legacy that may not yet be clearly understood.<br>
And as he leaves, goodbye doesn’t seem to capture the sense of what many well-wishers want to convey. Thank you may fall short, too. In this case, the formal Spanish farewell may be most appropriate.<br>