When Lorena Gonzalez was elected assembly member her position as head of the Labor Council was vacated and then quickly filled, the day after, with the election of Richard Barrera as the new Labor Council president.
This special election is not hard to figure out.
First and foremost an overwhelming majority of the voters did not care enough to come out and vote. In the race for San Diego city council, approximately 17% of the registered voters voted. This is good when you compare it to the 80th Assembly race where only 12.5% voted, out of 177,216 registered voters. There were only 22,128 votes cast or to put it another way, 81% decided they were too busy to be bothered.
It has not been a good few weeks for the Obama administration with the investigation into the Benghazi fiasco. Now, this week, the news is that the IRS has been conducting special investigations into conservative groups with “Tea Party” or “patriot” in their name. Even more troubling then that was the revelation of the Justice Depart-ment’s phone search of the Associated Press.