

What gives politics a bad name? It is the politicians. A good example of this was just this past week when several Latino elected “leaders” endorsed Nathan Fletcher for mayor! The assumption being that because these are Latino “leaders” Fletcher is the best choice to represent the Hispanic community!

As we read the press release, we found ourselves scratching our heads as we tried to recall exactly what Fletcher has done in the past that would recommend him as the best choice for the Hispanic community. Frankly, we couldn’t come up with much.

Guest Editorial:
By Katherine Leal Unmuth
Latino Ed Beat

Higher numbers of Latinos are enrolling in college than ever before — even as overall college enrollment in the United States is falling.

The findings were released by the U.S. Census Bureau on Tuesday. The number of Hispanics enrolling in college increased to 3.4 million in 2012, an increase of 15 percent over the previous year, Reuters reported. Hispanic students now make up 17 percent of college students.


We are relieved that the circus surrounding Mayor Bob Filner for the past month-and-a-half has finally come to an end!
Filner could have dug in his heels and dragged this whole process out, holding out for due process, which was his right, but he came to the realization that no matter what, his mayoral leadership and his political career was over. It then became a question of how best to get out, as he prepared for future lawsuits.



The 45th Annual PDK/Gallup Poll of the Public Attitudes Toward the Public Schools was released this week and it took a close look at the new Common Core Standards being implemented across the country. What they found was that 62% of the folks never heard of the Common Core and those that have heard of it either didn’t understand it, or didn’t endorse it. Yet, these Standards are being described as “one of the most ambitious initiatives in our lifetime.”


Two significant developments occurred this week that will affect the War on Drugs from this point forward.
The most significant development was on Monday when Attorney General Eric Holder announced that minor drug dealers would be spared the mandatory minimum sentences that have previously locked up many for a decade or more.

Guest Editorial:

Since 2009, more than 1.5 million people have been deported. Reports have surfaced over the months detailing how the Obama administration has deported more undocumented immigrants than any of his predecessors. In fact, his administration’s zeal for deporting immigrants has some wondering if he’s the ally in the fight for immigration reform as he proclaims.


George Zimmerman was acquitted of killing Trevyon Martin, a young black man.

What followed was public outcry from the Black community calling for justice and civil rights charges to be brought forth. We are concerned that the justice system failed the community. We are concerned about racial profiling, stereotyping, race relations, and social justice. And we agree that there needs to be more dialogue about repealing Florida’s “stand your ground” self-defense law.

These are all valid issues. Yet, these are not new issues.