

<p>The San Diego region’s unemployment rate came in lower than expected in November, falling to 4.6% from 5.3% in October, and more than two points lower than the predicted rate of 6.8% set last year.</p>

<p>The new figures were released this week by the California Economic Development Department (EDD) which showed that the overall unemployment rate for the state fell from 7.3% to 6.9%, the lowest rate since the COVID pandemic began in March 2020.</p>

<p>When you’re putting out a campfire, it’s the embers that you need to worry about. They may not look as impressive as a roaring fire, but if you don’t respect them they can cause a raging forest fire nonetheless. So it is, as well, with this country’s debt problems: they may not look as dire as they did a few months ago, but rest assured that if we don’t deal with them in a comprehensive way, they will come back with a vengeance.</p>

Scripps Howard Foundation Wire

WASHINGTON – As presidential candidates target prospective Hispanic voters, there is a new issue, besides immigration, that might get their vote: education.

A study by Beck Research, a Washington-based Democratic research firm, shows that, after the economy and jobs, education is a main priority for Hispanic voters in the November presidential election.


A year ago it was our belief that all we had to do was survive until the second half of 2011 and we would start to see the economy turn for the better. We thought that if we survived until now, we would have made it: business would start to pick up, the dramatic cuts to services and education would stop, and there would be more jobs for all. We couldn’t have been more wrong!