immigrant rights

<p><strong>America’s Voice</strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Mientras Barack Obama hablaba ante el Congreso y la nación de la urgencia de aprobar su plan de creación de empleos y las cámaras mostraban la reacción de algunos líderes republicanos que prefieren que el barco se hunda antes de colaborar con este presidente, imaginé qué pasaría si tras las próximas elecciones generales amanecemos con un presidente republicano y ambas cámaras bajo control republicano.</p>

<p><strong>Frontera NorteSur</strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Defying the stormy skies of a late summer monsoon season, immigrants and their supporters had a message for New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez: Stop targeting our families and start working on education, jobs and other matters of vital importance in an economically hard -pressed state.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Los funcionarios del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional (DHS) de la administración del presidente Barack Obama están haciendo todo lo posible para que quienes votamos por el actual mandatario en 2008, no repitamos el error en 2012.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Sus subordinados del Servicio de Control de Inmigración y Aduanas (ICE) ya completaron eficientemente el primer millón de indocumentados expulsados del país.</p>

<p><strong>New America Media</strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Their days were long, their nights short, but their labor under the hot sun were also driven by dreams of returning home to Mexico — and the embrace of their loved ones. Back home, these Mexican workers hoped the U.S. dollars the earned would enable them to add a new room to the old house, or perhaps buy a cow or parcel of land.</p>

<p><strong>New America Media</strong><strong></strong></p>
<p><strong>PHOENIX</strong> — People on both sides of the immigration debate in Arizona are skeptical of new research that shows a national decrease in the flow of illegal immigration from Mexico into the United States. But there is one thing they are certain of: undocumented immigrants are steering clear of the border state.</p>