<p><strong>Latino Coalition for a Healthy California</strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; A year after the passage of national health reform, pundits and partisans continue to make a political football out of the landmark legislation. But one (potential) winner is clear: Latinos.</p>


<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; It’s almost cap-and-gown time for seniors at high schools around the country, but too many teenagers have dropped out of school and are at risk of entering the criminal justice system.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; This is one of the greatest failures of our educational system. About 10 percent of all males in prison are high school dropouts.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; El presidente Barack Obama tiene un dilema en torno a la cuestión migratoria. Sabe que hay una necesidad de impulsar una reforma migratoria –Dream Act o una reforma integral— para reanimar al electorado latino.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Al mismo se da cuenta que si impulsa una ley desde la Casa Blanca estaría poniendo en riesgo el apoyo de los anti-inmigrantes de su partido y del electorado moderado.</p>

   “Ethics complaint filed against Chula Vista councilwoman,” is latest headline in what is turning out to be a long list of missteps by councilwoman Pamela Bensoussan.

Cooking with the Dutchess: By Hanneke Eerden    This is one of Read more…