Take Charge….Get Involved!

    Calling all residents and businesses in the San Ysidro area! It is that time again to participate with the shaping and re-organizing of YOUR community. At our upcoming meeting we will be discussing our historic resources, parks and recreation, as well as the usage of open spaces. Please join us at The San Ysidro Community Plan Update Advisory Committee meeting that is open to everyone and have your voices heard! 

    Refreshments will be served and supervised child activities will be available.

    There is a move afoot to rename the Coronado Bridge to the Ronald Regan-Coronado Bridge. We are sure all the Republicans in Coronado like the idea but this doesn’t’ sit to well with the Chicanos of Chicano Park. Chicano Park and the murals and Ronald Regan are an oxymoron.

<p><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp; : I am a mocha-skinned woman with long, curly hair and dark-brown eyes. Puerto Ricans always ask if I am Puerto Rican, Dominicans just come and start speaking Spanish, Cubans ask if my abuelita made good arroz con leche, but Mexicans know I’m black. What gives?</strong></p>
<p style="text-align: right;"><strong>La Morena</strong></p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Cuando eres tenista profesional y juegas bien, todo se siente perfecto.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Es exactamente cómo me siento después de un muy buen comienzo de año, en lo que ha sido probablemente el mejor comienzo de mi carrera.</p>