<p><strong>New America Media</strong></p>
<p><strong>PHOENIX</strong><strong>, Ariz.</strong> — A new set of far-reaching anti-immigrant measures passed by an Arizona State Appropriations Committee early this morning has human rights activists and health care professionals contemplating civil disobedience.</p>
<p> Last month six hundred workers at the Chipotle fast food chain were fired in Minnesota.</p>
<p> Their crime? Working.</p>
<p><strong>Fronter NorteSur</strong></p>
<p> Even as the town was festooned in Valentine’s Day red and bouquets of flowers danced in the streets, the scent of popular revolt crackled in the air.</p>
<p> It all began at the end of January, when the Mexican federal government’s National Trust Fund for Tourism Promotion (FONATUR) took charge of the municipal pier and adjoining port facilities in the Pacific Coast tourist town of Zihuatanejo, Mexico.</p>
Aún Hay Hasta Finales de Marzo para Inscribirse como “Atrapa Estornudos” Certificados con la Oportunidad de Ganar un Viaje a un Parque Temático de Orlando para la Familia