Significant Changes to Third Avenue

    A very important project called “Third Avenue Street-scape” will soon be brought to the City Council for approval. We believe that there are many reasons for being concerned about this project, and why it may be harmful to the economic well-being of Third Avenue.

    So we are holding a Special Crossroads II Board Meeting to discuss Streets-cape, and the Board meeting will be OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. City staff will present the project.

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; With all the focus of attention on the ballpark issue in Escondido being on financial matters, little attention has been given to the much larger issue of the environment that exists in this city. Since the passage of the infamous and illegal rental ban ordinance, the city council has been obsessed with making the lives of undocumented people as miserable as possible. And even though some of these policies affect American citizens, they continue with a zeal that makes Escondido a divided and unhealthy place.</p>

<p><strong>America</strong><strong>’s Voice</strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Quiero rendir tributo a los Soñadores que tomaron las riendas de su causa y con su liderazgo, valentía y tesón lograron lo que muchos creían imposible: una histórica aprobación del proyecto DREAM Act en la Cámara de Representantes y con ello, la posibilidad real de impulsar la medida en el Senado para cruzar la meta.</p>