<p><strong><a href="http://www.LatinoLA.com">www.LatinoLA.com</a></strong></p>
<p>10. 41 Republican Senators have decided not to be re elected.</p>
<p> 9. Didn’t want to earn citizenship by going to college or military service.</p>
<p> 8. Democrats; Baucus, Pryor, Conrad, Hagan, Nelson and Tester who voted against the bill, wanted no political future.</p>
<p><strong>New America Media</strong><strong></strong></p>
<p><strong>LOS ANGELES</strong>—California leads the nation in charter school growth this year, according to a report released last month by The Center for Education Reform.</p>
<p> With 912 charter schools in the state, up 114 from the 2009-2010 academic year, charter administrators are being praised for developing what many believe is one of the most effective models for educating low-income students.</p>
Abordar las causas originarias de la emigración es clave para solucionar patrones migratorios actuales
Renovando la esperanza, buscando la justicia es el tema principal de la Semana Nacional de la Migración, 2011 que se celebrará del 2 al 8 de enero próximo en parroquias y diócesis de todo el país.