Now we need to get more Hispanics voting!

When we first started publishing La Prensa San Diego back in 1976, it was a very big deal when Peter Chacon was elected to the State Assembly. Peter was the first elected Hispanic from San Diego. City councils, Assembly and Senate Seats in San Diego County were the bastion of the white community, along with school boards and all other elected positions. Those days are long gone!

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; As municipal government and public agency budgets continue to feel the ripple effect of the nation-wide recession, we have begun to observe one of either or a combination of reforms, budget cuts, increased scrutiny of wasteful spending followed immediately by an action plan, or some simply refuse to make reforms and/or adopt aggressive economic development strategies opting for new taxes/fees or tax increases to cope.</p>

Juneteenth: Another Independence Day

By Andy Porras

   Two and a half years after President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863, that called for America to abolish slavery, Texas “masters” were still calling other human beings “property.”

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; The oil drilling explosion that killed 11 people on April 20th and the spill now killing massive amounts of wildlife in the Gulf of Mexico is a sign. It’s a sign of how bad our nation’s oil addiction has gotten and of how much we need to launch a sustainable energy revolution.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Eisenhower 2.0</p>

<p><strong>SPECIAL SUMMER EDICIÓN</strong><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p>