Frontera NorteSur

    In the first trimester of 2010, the amount of dollars sent by migrant workers in the US to Mexico registered the worst seasonal plunge in five years, the Bank of Mexico reported this week. According to the country’s central bank, about $6.6 billion in remittances entered the country’s economy during the first four months of 2010. The sum was nearly 9 percent less than the $7.25 billion received during the same period in 2009.

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Eight years ago my husband complained that we needed a new television set. The old 19-inch screen I brought along a few years earlier mysteriously started to have problems just as the Korea/Japan 2002 World Cup was unfolding. Drama turned into comedy when he also started wearing his reading glasses, which he very seldom uses, because he “couldn’t read” the scores.</p>


<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Ocho años atrás, mi esposo se quejaba de que necesitábamos una nueva televisión. El viejo televisor con pantalla de 19 pulgadas que yo había traído conmigo unos años antes, comenzó misteriosamente a tener problemas justo cuando el Mundial de Korea/Japón 2002 apenas comenzaba. El drama se convirtió en comedia cuando también empezó a ponerse sus lentes para lectura, los cuales raramente usa, porque según él “no podía leer” los resultados.</p>


El Soporte Informativo Para Millones de Hispanos
Por Gaby Vargas

    Te invito a que por un momento te bajes del tren bala en el que vives para analizar, de manera objetiva  el ritmo de vida que llevas.

    En lo personal, observo con envidia la serenidad con la que Teo, una mujer del pintoresco pueblo de Tepoztlán, casada y madre de dos hijas, lleva su vida.

SAN YSIDRO, CA Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias, according to a published report by the National Alzheimer’s Association, are projected to increase more than six-fold among Hispanics in the United during the first half of the 21st Century. Across the nation, this increase means that 1.3 million Hispanics (25 million total Americans) will have Alzheimer’s disease by 2050, compared to 200,000 currently living with the disease.