<p><strong> </strong> Southwestern College, en Chula Vista, en verdad pone la palabra “comunitario” en colegio comunitario.</p>
<p> Siendo la única institución de educación superior en el sur del Condado de San Diego, desde 1961 SWC se ha convertido en el hogar de miles de estudiantes tradicionales y no tradicionales quienes han encontrado en la educación un camino al éxito y a la oportunidad.</p>
<p><strong>New America Media</strong></p>
<p> California’s utility and telecommunications companies are doing hundreds of millions of dollars more business with minority contractors, according to a new report from the Greenlining Institute, a Bay Area think tank.</p>
Authorities looking for help in identifying other victims
By Marianna Martinez
Two people were arrested and face 16 charges against them, after a year-long investigation by Homeland Security and Immigration and Customs Enforcement, found them involved in a series of frauds against the undocumented community from which they stole at least $120,000 dollars.
Autoridades piden ayuda para identificar a otras victimas
Por Marianna Martinez
Dos personas fueron arrestadas y enfrentan 16 cargos en su contra, luego de que una investigación de más de un año de duración encontrara que estos dos sujetos realizaron una serie de fraudes en contra de la comunidad indocumentada a la que le robaron por lo menos 120 mil dólares.
June 24, 2010 | 6:28 pm
The margin between winning and losing has shrunk to a single vote.
Hispanic-run winery at the service of the community
By David Maung
Honoring his blessed memory
By Edie J. Adler
It is hard to believe this will be my third year without my beloved Papito! I think about him constantly and I miss him every single day. I’m still waiting for it to get “easier” as people said it would.
<p><strong>New America Media</strong></p>
<p> Faced with budget cuts, K-12 public schools in California are grappling with terrible choices about what should get the ax. A new survey of almost 400 schools finds the cuts over the last two years were felt everywhere from grounds upkeep to instructional material to school nurses.</p>
<p><strong>America</strong><strong>’s Voice</strong></p>
<p> Este fin de semana los familiares de Sergio Adrián Hernández descendieron al lugar donde el menor se desplomó por el impacto de una bala disparada por un agente de la Patrulla Fronteriza debajo del llamado Puente Negro de la frontera y de rodillas lavaron la sangre derramada por su pariente.</p>