<p><strong>Frontera NorteSur</strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The role of the Texas border city of El Paso remains one of the little-known stories of the revolutionary upheaval that erupted in Mexico in 1910. The US city on the Rio Grande was a vital center for many of the plots, intrigues, advances and retreats of different political factions vying for power in Mexico.</p>


<p><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp; I’m a civil rights lawyer. I sue the San Diego Minutemen. Whenever the Minutemen are accused of being racist they always say something like, “I’m part-Hispanic,” or they’ll note that some of their members are Mexican. This last claim is actually true. Some of the most zealous Minutemen are actually Mexican-Americans. I’m 100% Irish. I don’t understand why the Mexican members of the Minutemen can associate themselves with a group that is so obviously racist.&nbsp; Can you explain?</strong></p>

It seemed paradoxical that as buildings and storefronts are empty, the casinos were filled with people eating, drinking, smoking

First Person:
By Dr. Al Carlos Hernandez

   My wife and I had an online offer we couldn’t refuse – so we didn’t. We decided to spend a few days in Reno, Nevada at one of the big casinos. Now my wife and I are not gamers but at 49 bucks a room, we really had nothing to lose.


   Father’s Day honors fathers and celebrates a father’s influence on the family.  It is celebrated in a variety of ways—cards, hand made gifts, favorite foods and affection. But when a father lights up a cigarette, he puts a smoke screen between himself and his adoring family. If he smokes outside, he cuts himself off from precious time with his loved ones. If he smokes indoors, he exposes them to secondhand smoke—a toxic carcinogenic with no safe level of exposure.


<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; La Agencia de Protección Ambiental de Estados Unidos ha declarado que los desechos marinos son un serio problema. Se calcula que del 60% a 80% desechos marinos y 90% desechos flotantes son causados por bolsas de plástico. Aparentemente, este problema es frecuente en las playas, las costas marinas, y océanos por todo el mundo. Estos desechos ponen en riesgo las vidas de los animales marinos y pueden destruir las comunidades de la costa.</p>

17 Brinds Anual de Gala Ceremonia de Becas Escolares por $25,000

    MANA de San Diego está celebrando la educación, el liderazgo y la participación comunitaria en el evento de este año, BRINDIS – Gala de Becas de MANA de San Diego, donde 24 mujeres de la localidad recibirán ¡becas escolares por un total de $25,000!

El Soporte Informativo Para Millones de Hispanos
Hablando bien se entiende la gente

Nota editorial:

    Queridos lectores, a continuación compartimos con ustedes un extracto de este nuevo libro que tiene como objetivo mostrarnos los “horrores” que todos cometemos a diario contra el español y la manera de corregirlos.