<p> Linda Greenhouse in the (April 26, 2010), wrote “I’m glad I’ve already seen the Grand Canyon. Because I’m not going back to Arizona as long as it remains a police state, which is what the appalling anti-immigrant bill that Gov. Jan Brewer signed into law last week has turned it into.” Greenhouse was referring to a state law that requires the police to demand proof of legal residency from any person about whom they have “reasonable suspicion” that “the person is an alien who is unlawfully present in the United States.”</p>
<p> El terror que cundió a la ciudad de Costa Mesa, ahora arremete con toda su fuerza el universo del Estado de Arizona.</p>
<p> La aprobación de la medida SB 1070, que fue firmada por la gobernadora Jan Brewer, no fue un hecho accidental, sino es el fruto de un grupo pequeño de intolerantes que poco a poco llegaron a tomar las riendas del gobierno estatal.</p>
<p> The French have been so romanticized by Hollywood that most of us carry images of dashing French Foreign Legionnaires fighting in deserts and jungles all over the world.</p>