
What do Jess Haro, Uvaldo Martinez, Ralph Inzunza Jr., and Steve Castaneda have in common? The answer is all were up and coming Hispanic politicians who aspired to become mayor of their perspective cities and, with the exception of Steve Castaneda, were brought down by the political power structure.

Old Tradition Could Boost Latino Community’s Economy

By Andy Porras

If America’s millions of Latinos remained true to their culture this Christmas, they could save millions.

All they have to do is say no to gift-giving on December 25 and yes to gifting on January 6, el Día de los Santos Reyes or, Three Kings Day, the official Hispanic day to share gifts.

Redevelopment coming to a neighborhood near you?

Our mayor and City Council are likely to impose another top down decision on the uninformed citizens of Chula Vista. On Dec 15, when people are focusing on the holidays, the City will be starting the process to expand redevelopment into residential areas.

<p><strong>America</strong><strong>’s Voice</strong></p>
<p>¿Cuántos piensan en las condiciones laborales de quienes pizcaron las legumbres o frutas que consumimos? o ¿Cuántos acres de cosecha se pierden por falta de la mano de obra que le teme al recrudecimiento de medidas migratorias policiales?</p>

Comentario: Por Humberto Caspa, Ph.D  La reciente decisión del presidente Barack Obama Read more…