<p>This past year I was saddened to learn of the passing of Dan L. Muñoz, former publisher and editor of .</p>
<p>I met Muñoz in the early 1980s while I was a journalism student at San Diego State University.</p>
<p>Even though I was studying journalism, I had absolutely no confidence in my writing. I knew if I was to become a writer, I had to get some writing experience and produce news clips for my portfolio.</p>

<p>The candidates for San Diego County Sheriff would do well to take note of the following:&nbsp; Latino voters may be in a position to decide this county-wide race – a race in which the vote promises to be badly split.</p>
<p>From the start, Latino voters have had distinct concerns about each candidate’s record, or the lack thereof.&nbsp;And the candidates’ performance since then hasn’t done much to reassure Latinos, who constitute approximately 20% of San Diego County’s likely voters.</p>

 National City must return ill-gotten gains

The driving force of tax-generation has blinded National City’s Mayor Ron Morrison and city staff from seeing that questionable and illegal methods are not OK. This was rightly stated by Herman Baca and covered in La Prensa on October 30, 2009.

<p>Hugo Chávez, el presidente de Venezuela y dictador en entrenamiento, trabaja activamente para conseguir el objetivo de su mentor Castro: destruir a&nbsp; Estados Unidos.</p>
<p>El peligro más grande que presenta el hispano Chávez, es que parece ser un mequetrefe. Nada más lejos de la verdad. El incipiente dictador es un formidable adversario, con amplios fondos, poderosos aliados y acceso a la economía norteamericana. Esto lo sitúa en una perfecta posición para actuar como una quinta columna y tratar de destruirnos.</p>

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<p>While California is preparing to go into special session next month to consider legislation to help it receive millions in federal Race to the Top Kindergarten-12 education funds, I’m asking the state to also fast track my bill to provide the community colleges and public universities with more than $1.3 billion.</p>