El Soporte Informativo Para Millones de Hispanos<br>
<p>&nbsp;Hoy en día todos, incluso los niños, tienen en su poder un teléfono celular; un aparato cada vez más versátil que sirve para mucho más que realizar o recibir llamadas telefónicas, pero que si no mantenemos bajo control puede llegar a ser peligroso para nuestros hijos, sobre todo a la hora de los mensajes de texto y los chats vía Internet.</p>

 The American Chemical Society (ACS) Scholars Program is now accepting applications from African-American, Hispanic/Latino and American Indian students who are pursuing or intend to pursue degrees in chemistry, biochemistry, chemical engineering, chemical technology or related majors.

 Renewable awards of up to $5,000 per year are given to qualified high school seniors, community college students and college freshmen, sophomores or juniors.

 Each year at the State of the City meeting, the Escondido City Council recognizes individuals who have improved the quality of life in the community through volunteer service. Nominations now are being solicited for these awards.

<p>New America Media</p>
<p>SAN SALVADOR — Twenty years ago, three colleagues and I were the first reporters on the scene of the murders here of six Jesuit priests, their cook and her daughter, a turning point in the civil war that cost 75,000 other Salvadoran lives. As gatherings the world over commemorate the special anniversary, I remember details of that morning I do not want to forget.</p>
<p>&nbsp;“They’ve killed Ellacuria,” said the young priest in the hotel parking lot.</p>