Frontera NorteSur

 A Catholic Church-run migrant shelter in the northern Mexican state of Coahuila is the target of escalating attacks. Every day, Casa del Migrante Posada Belen in the state capital of Saltillo serves between 80-100 mainly Central American migrants headed to the United States. But since last month, staff and property have been busy responding to aggression, harassment and death threats.

<p>New America Media</p>
<p>&nbsp;As the death rate of the H1N1 (“swine flu”) virus surpassed 1,000 people in the United States, Chinese medicine practitioners, Ayurvedic healers, and Latino yerberas (herbalists) faced a dilemma: whether to tell their clients to get the vaccine –- which is recommended by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) -– or to prescribe alternative treatments.</p>

<p><span style="font-size: medium;">Perspective:</span></p>
&nbsp;Once upon a time, at the outset of World War II, Japanese American students at California State Universities were rounded up and shipped off to internment camps.</p>
<p>&nbsp;Now those Institutions of Higher Learning would like to grant honorary degrees to the students who suffered such indignities.</p>

<p>&nbsp;From November 15 until the end of the year, seniors can sign up for Medicare Part D — the prescription drug benefit for seniors. And those who are unhappy with their existing coverage can switch to a new plan.</p>
<p>&nbsp;All those eligible should take advantage of this “open enrollment” period. The healthcare reform bills working their way through Congress might soon make serious — and unnecessary — changes to Part D. And the consequences could be dire.</p>

Congressman Bob Filner recently met in his Washington, D.C. office with Guadalupe Read more…

El Soporte Informativo Para Millones de Hispanos<br>
&nbsp;Es asombroso ver el incremento del consumo de drogas entre los jóvenes hispanos, y muy triste descubrir que en la mayoría de los casos los padres ignoran como enfrentar este problema.</p>