<strong>Frontera NorteSur</strong></p>
<p>Growing up in Ciudad Juarez, Rosa Ines Minjares did not think the episodes of violence against women that she saw flashed all over the television screen would personally affect her. All that changed one day in 2009 when her close friend, Maria Guadalupe Guardado, was murdered. The 16-year had been tortured, raped, shot twice and then dumped in an empty lot, according to Minjares.</p>

<p>None of the four current trustees in the Sweetwater Union High School District board lives west of Interstate 805. The western part of the large middle and high school district hasn’t been properly represented in the past, according to community members. Instead, many of the board members have come from the affluent communities of Bonita and Eastlake, something that has led to the western and southern parts of the district to be neglected.</p>

México del Norte Por Jorge Mújica Murias “Para el presidente”, le dijo Read more…